How to get tablecell object under mouse?

how to get cell object under mouse?

Hello @softboy99
Do I understand it right that there’s the same request? How to get current paragraph of .docx document under cursor?
If so, please avoid duplicating your requests. If I misunderstood the situation, please clarify it.

not all the same. when you use plugin to insert content/fields to to the docx, you need to get the target object with api. the mouse position may occure at any postion of the docx

Do you need to move the cursor to specific position or detect its current position? Probably this method might be useful: MoveCursorToPos
If I misunderstood the entire scenario, please provide us with details.

we are developong plugin to drag drop content to cursor position with code, so we need know the object under cursor,so that can refrence the object in plugin code

Hello @softboy99
As far as I understand, you have posted the same request in different thread where the possible solution was provided:How can i find the current cursor position - #9 by Constantine
Additionally, probably this sample might be useful for drag&drop scenario: sdkjs-plugins/connector/example_drop at develop · ONLYOFFICE/sdkjs-plugins · GitHub
If I misunderstood your request, please provide us with details.