How to get bookmark name/id of current cursor

I need to get the bookmark(s) name or ids where the current cursor is at. Do we have a method or how can we traverse to get the closest bookmark.

Hello @agamdev

Unfortunately, there is no method to get the bookmark by cursor position. You can get all bookmarks in the document with GetAllBookmarksNames method.

@Alexandre Also i see we donot have any way to move to any particular bookmark like there is no method which we can use to move the cursor to any bookmark. This feature exists through UI when you open bookmark tab, it shows a list of bookmarks and option to go to that bookmark

Hello @agamdev
If you don’t mind, I will join this thread too.
We will check the described scenario (‘any way to move to any particular bookmark like there is no method which we can use to move the cursor to any bookmark’). I will update this thread as soon as possible.

@Alexandre Actually i was able to use the method GetBookmarkRange and then call the Select method, however weirdly if i want to create a new bookmark with newly added text and i tried adding like in the example here

This issue is for newly added content

Hello @agamdev
We are still discussing the situation. I will contact you as soon as possible.

Hello @agamdev
Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, currently we don’t have desired method for moving to bookmark, and we decided to add it in the one of the next releases.
Thank you for bringing our attention to this situation!