How to disable update in Desktop Editors in application or in installation

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I want to know if is possible, disable updates in application or disable it in installation.

Thanks a lot

Hello @Josean,
Could you please describe your scenario in more detail? With what purpose would you like to disable the updates? On which OS?

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Hello! This question is relevant for me too. The scenario is as follows: the computer user (windows) does not have administrative rights, and the update cannot be performed. I would be grateful for a solution that can be applied at the level of windows group policies

But there should be no auto-updates on Windows version of the Desktop App, the updates are performed manually by the user

Yes, there is no auto-update, but there is a check for new versions with a pop-up window offering to download a new version. Considering that the user cannot install the update, the offer causes unnecessary problems. It would be nice if it was possible to disable the automatic check for new versions

Currently there is no way to do it, but we will review this proposal

What package do you use? On MSI package update service is not installed by default and the package itself is more suitable for administration on Windows

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We are using .exe with /VERYSILENT /NORESTART keys. How update service works? If i disable this service, does it resolve my problem? Are there any ways to install updates with system account, that used to start service?

There is no way to do it on .exe installation, but on .msi installation specifically updates do not happen by default