How to change the system-font?

Sorry for misunderstanding.

Desktop Editors are using templates to create new files. You can change these templates with desired ones so our editors will use them for all new documents.

To change the template please follow next intruction:

  1. Open Desktop Editors and create new document;
  2. Change the font in this document to desired one, leave the content empty, save it somewhere you can easily access it and set it’s name as new.docx;
  3. Locate templates in %\Program Files\ONLYOFFICE\DesktopEditors\converter\empty and then choose the folder that corresponds to the language of the Desktop Editors interface, for example, if your app is in German the folder will be \de-DE\;
  4. Replace existing in the folder new.docx with the previously created one.

After this procedure open Desktop Editors, create new file and check it’s default font.