Hello and sorry for my english, im german!
I know how to change the font in a document. I know also, how to change the “font-template”.
But how i can change the “system-font”?
The “system-font” is arial. I write a word, change to “times-font”, right-click, change the actually font-template. This is the way, to change the font-template. But with the next document is the font-template still the arial-font and not the times-font.
What can i do? I hope, you understand my englisch
Hello @Cvst1lleo
Do I understand you correctly that you want newly created documents to load up with Times New Roman font as a default one instead of Arial? Is that what you mean by “system-font”?
Please specify the ONLYOFFICE product that you are using. Additionally, provide information about the storage with which your ONLYOFFICE product is integrated with (if it is).
Do I understand you correctly that you want newly created documents to load up with Times New Roman font as a default one instead of Arial? Is that what you mean by “system-font”?
If i start a new document, i will write with Times and not with Arial.
I use the “Writer”, “Word” from OnlyOffice with Windows 10.
Does that mean that you are using Desktop Editors?
I dont know whats the name of the “Word” of OO.
in “Open Office” its the name “Writer”. In “Microsoft-Office” its “Word”.
I meant to say that I need to know which ONLYOFFICE product you are currently using so I can give you proper instructions.
I wrote it already: Only Office for Windows 10.
Sorry for misunderstanding.
Desktop Editors are using templates to create new files. You can change these templates with desired ones so our editors will use them for all new documents.
To change the template please follow next intruction:
- Open Desktop Editors and create new document;
- Change the font in this document to desired one, leave the content empty, save it somewhere you can easily access it and set it’s name as new.docx;
- Locate templates in
%\Program Files\ONLYOFFICE\DesktopEditors\converter\empty
and then choose the folder that corresponds to the language of the Desktop Editors interface, for example, if your app is in German the folder will be\de-DE\
; - Replace existing in the folder new.docx with the previously created one.
After this procedure open Desktop Editors, create new file and check it’s default font.
Jesus, thats inconvenient!
With MS-Office, Open Office, Libre Office… i click in the Settings a new Font, and thats it… for all the new Documents.
Thank you very much for you patience and your work, but i go back to MS-Office.
I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused.
We are working on adding this functionality to Desktop Editors (suggestion number 47180).
Dont sorry for this, because you are not responsible.
OO is too young, but looks nice. Anybody can see, what will hapen in a few month with this app, and then im coming back. I hope, you understand, what i will say.
Nice greetings from germany and thanks for your support.
Hello I have the same question, but I am using flatpak on arch linux. Maybe I could compile it in linux and be able to find those files. Any suggestions.
Hello @flyboy1966
Please see this message from similar post:
I have found some of the files, but that path does not work. Maybe you are assuming I am on windows. I am on linux. Arch Linux to be specific. Thanks for responding.
I encountered the same problem as Cvst1lleo, but I am using DocSpace and Docs Enterprise product.
How to set the default time for opening a Document to Times New Roman?
Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!
Hello @ZhangChuanliang
As I can see you have started a new thread for Workspace, please wait for the response there.
Also, I’d kindly ask you to avoid creating duplicate posts on the same topic. Thank you for understanding.