How to Change directory for cached files in App_data

Hello Folks,
I’m trying find a way to change the directory that is made in App_Data(/DocumentServer/server/App_Data), here the localhost cached files are stored after we upload files ie(_1http___localhost_3000_files___1) and it has the editor.bin file,
is there a way that i can add a folder where editor.bin goes in bin folder?
Like this Folder structure : /server/App_Data/__1http___localhost_3000_files___1_any.docx-xyz/bin/editor.bin)

Hello @Octane
I’m not sure that I understand entire scenario right. What is your final goal of this actions?

Cache folder is located here:

For Linux /var/lib/onlyoffice/documentserver/App_Data/cache/

Docker - same path inside the container

Windows - %ProgramFiles%\ONLYOFFICE\DocumentServer\server\App_Data\cache\

Do you mean this path? Please clarify your request, what do you want to achieve? Cache files are removed shortly when editing is complete.

I’m not sure that I understand entire scenario right. What is your final goal of this actions?

Sorry for not clearing my goals first ,actually is there a way to change the cache directory is made, like you mentioned here /var/lib/onlyoffice/documentserver/App_Data/cache/ I want to add a folder name after /App_Data/cache/bin like this where i could keep/save the .bin files.

I’m trying the Change the code for it but couldn’t find any files/folders of where can i make changes for it.

Sorry, but your scenario is impossible. Cache folder contains changes which users made. Folders which are located in cache folder are separated by document key: ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - Config
It’s neccesary to identify the file, so the scenario when all bin files are located in one place is not possible.

It’s neccesary to identify the file, so the scenario when all bin files are located in one place is not possible.

well I Don’t want all the Editor.bin files to go in one
more of scenario is like this i have 2 docx files cached.
Something like this is possible?
1 /App_Data/cache/__1_something_.docx123/bin/Editor.bin
2. /App_Data/cache/__1__something2.docx456/bin/Editor.bin


Sorry, this is not possible.

Sorry, this is not possible

Okay, thank you for the information.
you can mark this solved.

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