I don’t like Arial and im used to Times New Roman 12 justified and with margin personalized to 3 top and left, 2 botton and right.
The problem is: I need to keep changing this at every new document I make.
Is there no way to make it default?
After creating the new document there is no way to keep going.
What is " Connect to your onlyoffice-community-server container and get to next folder" or " Connect to your onlyoffice-files container and get to next folder"?
Connect to WHAT? connect WHERE? Connect HOW? It is a step by step that jumps at least 10 steps assumings that the user will know what was supposed to do.
It simply has no info about nothing. Those directory’s are what? there is not a simple folder that has a single name listed in this whole directory of this tutorial: " /var/www/onlyoffice/WebStudio/Products/Files/DocStore/new/`"
Why make changing the default margin or font so complex when you could just put a option to make a template for it like Libre Office or make a button that applite it to be default on any document?
I believe that ONLYOFFICE is not made to be user friendly at all by the looks of it.
I can share exact instruction if you could share the type of installation of your DocSpace (Docker, DEB/RPM packages, EXE/MSI).