How to adjust the width and height of the table

OS version: Windows 11
App version: (x64 exe)
Downloaded from: ONLYOFFICE website.
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Hello, I want to ask a question the how to adjust the width and height of the table in the ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors.Suah as: I want to set width、height、background-color for a or more cell.but now I can`t find the set entry even the right mouse button.Note that I’m not talking about dragging the cells to set them, which is a bit cumbersome and can’t be applied to the batch modification scenario.
Some things has uploading, because I am a new user that maybe can not set image in this page.So sorry.

I want to use this function to change the width or heigt of cell in stylesheet.My English is not very good, I wonder if I can understand what I mean.Thanks a lot.

Hello @KringMiao

All these settings are available from right toolbar:

Complete guide on how to insert and format tables in document editor is available in our Help Center: