How to add costom request headers for callbackUrl?

Hi all,

I’m coding to integrate the onlyoffice to my web application.
And i wonder how to add costom request header to the callbackUrl when save file, thus, i could secure my interface.
Such as:

  • headers: {*
  • “Authorization”: “Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN”*
  • }*

In addition, i have tried to code like this, but did not work:

“editorConfig”: {
“callbackUrl”: “http://myserver/restapi/v1/OnlyOffice/SaveFile”,
“headers”: {
“API-AUTH”: “xxxxxxxxxx”

Hi @Xun :wave:
ONLYOFFICE Docs doesn’t support adding custom headers in the Editor config configuration, and it sends requests to callbackUrl without the ability to add custom headers to these requests.