How do I modify paragraph mask

When I changed the paragraph tag to 0x21b5 (that is, changes ¶ to↵), the paragraph tag didn't draw or was drawn as a square
CRunParagraphMark.prototype.Measure = function(oMeasurer, oTextPr, isEndCell)
 	this.private_UpdateMarkType(isEndCell ? FLAGS_MARK_ENDCELL : FLAGS_MARK_NORMAL);

 	let nUnicode  = 0x21b5; // isEndCell ? 0x00A4 : 0x00B6;
 	let nFontSlot = oTextPr.RTL || oTextPr.CS ? AscWord.fontslot_CS : AscWord.fontslot_ASCII;
 	let oFontInfo = oTextPr.GetFontInfo(nFontSlot);
 	this.Grapheme = oMeasurer.GetGraphemeByUnicode(nUnicode, oFontInfo.Name, oFontInfo.Style);

 	let nFontSize = oFontInfo.Size;
 	if (oTextPr.VertAlign !== AscCommon.vertalign_Baseline)
 		nFontSize = AscWord.AlignFontSize(nFontSize, AscCommon.vaKSize);

 	this.Flags = (this.Flags & 0xFFFF) | (((nFontSize * 64) & 0xFFFF) << 16);

 	this.Width        = 0;
 	this.WidthVisible = ((AscFonts.GetGraphemeWidth(this.Grapheme) * nFontSize) * AscWord.TEXTWIDTH_DIVIDER) | 0;

like this, the paragraph mask drawing

Hello @parkavenue1990

Could you please elaborate how and where did you exactly change it?

Hello! I’m using documenteditor, like this:

When i select “Home → Nonprinting characters”
the paragraph end is ¶, and i want change “¶” to “↵”.
I locally modify the code that ParagraphMark.js, about line 80. Paragraph tag drawing problem after modification (sometimes normal display, sometimes no display or display blocks)


CRunParagraphMark.prototype.Measure = function(oMeasurer, oTextPr, isEndCell)
		this.private_UpdateMarkType(isEndCell ? FLAGS_MARK_ENDCELL : FLAGS_MARK_NORMAL);

		// this is my modify, change 0x00B6 to 0x21B5(¶ to ↵)
		let nUnicode  = 0x21B5; // isEndCell ? 0x00A4 : 0x00B6;
		let nFontSlot = oTextPr.RTL || oTextPr.CS ? AscWord.fontslot_CS : AscWord.fontslot_ASCII;
		let oFontInfo = oTextPr.GetFontInfo(nFontSlot);
		this.Grapheme = oMeasurer.GetGraphemeByUnicode(nUnicode, oFontInfo.Name, oFontInfo.Style);

		let nFontSize = oFontInfo.Size;
		if (oTextPr.VertAlign !== AscCommon.vertalign_Baseline)
			nFontSize = AscWord.AlignFontSize(nFontSize, AscCommon.vaKSize);

		this.Flags = (this.Flags & 0xFFFF) | (((nFontSize * 64) & 0xFFFF) << 16);

		this.Width        = 0;
		this.WidthVisible = ((AscFonts.GetGraphemeWidth(this.Grapheme) * nFontSize) * AscWord.TEXTWIDTH_DIVIDER) | 0;

I want to know how to change the paragraph tag through the code ,Thank you :grinning:

Hello @parkavenue1990

Unfortunately, this symbol cannot be changed.