How do i disable the AutoCorrect'

OS: Android 14
Software version: 8.1.2

Problem Autocorrect makes usability a source for frustration im trying to write down a rather lenghty table but i found myself constantly needing to double tap the space button and hope the Autocorrect wont mess something up (most of the times it does) is there a way to turn it thing off

Hello @Monolith
Please provide us with details. Are you working with docx or xlsx file? If it’s possible, please make a screenshot or a videofile of the situation.

Im working on docx file.

I created a video cupture that demonstrate the problem

I found no way to stoo the software from behaving this way. what do i do about it?

Thank you for the video file, we are checking the situation.

Hello @Monolith
We have checked the provided video file. It seems that these pop-up words which appear above the keyboard are related to your android keyboard app. This function must be controlled on the device side.
As for the issue scenario, do I understand it correctly that the issue occurs at the 17th second when two words merged for some reason (‘pictureof’)?
Also please specify your device and keyboard app.

Yes this is the issue.

The device im using is:

Tab a9 tablet

Keyboard: “Any Soft Keyboard”

Tough im certain its not a keyboard problem. OnlyOffice is the only app that shows that behavior

Thank you, we are checking the situation.

Hello @Monolith
We are trying to reproduce the situation, however without success so far. Is it possible to reproduce exactly the same issue and record it again? Please make sure that you do not press backspace button accidentally.
Additionally, it would be appreciated if you could provide us with step-by-step list of your actions, so we will be able to reproduce it.