How can i get this structure in my version history?

In the example,we can see this structure in version history left side if the document edited by two user:

In my project, i called refreshHistory api in onRequestHistory event and got a different view.
The parameter of refreshHistory is

    "currentVersion": 1,
    "history": [
            "created": "2022-07-19 16:48:26",
            "key": "18177e9aec574cd69009b6288f34237f",
            "version": 0,
            "user": {
                "id": "1504384330976329728",
                "name": "...7992"
            "created": "2022-07-19 16:49:33",
            "key": "006d9b7980df4727a46e2f663323c81f",
            "version": 1,
            "user": {
                "id": "1504384330976329728",
                "name": "...7992"

I got this parameter from my api server.
I think my parameter of refreshHistory is different from the example.

The view in my project is:

1.the user “7993” edited this document but not shown
2.there have not color signal the content of document as well

Hello @Jenson
Please pay attention to ‘changes’ parameter from mentioned link: ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - Methods
You have to save ‘changes’ and pass them back.

Yes.I got it in the example by debugger.
Thanks a lot @Alexandre

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