Help me integrate my Google Drive to the new DocSpace

Hi! I’m using the online version on the pc and the latest app version on android 14. This migration from personal to docspace is proving to be a nightmare.

The issue is one and the same. Whenever I try to connect my google drive to my onlyoffice, it gives me the following message:

“This app is blocked
This app tried to access sensitive information in your Google Account. To keep your account secure, Google blocked access.”

I tried anything I could find.



And other stuff I can’t find on my browser history right now. Nothing works! What gives? All my docs are in the google drive and I need to access them. I have a bunch of books, work documents, etc.

Please can anyone help me integrate my drive over there? I think it should connect to a room, right? Or to the backup? Both those alternatives make me have the same issue of not connecting so…

Well. Hope any of you can help me out. I’ll be using google solutions until then :C

Hello @Aori
Sorry for the late reply. Let’s figure out the situation together.
First of all, please take a look at this guide: Migrating Google Workspace data to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace - ONLYOFFICE
Will it resolve the situation?
If it doesn’t help, please show us the issue scenario step-by-step.