Getting table data from external sources

Do you want to: Getting table data from external sources
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Good afternoon.

In Microsoft Office Excel, it is possible to use external data from tables. For example, integrating a table from a website Официальные курсы валют на заданную дату, устанавливаемые ежедневно | Банк России / to a local file. When you run the Excel file, the table is automatically updated, and in further work I boldly use up-to-date data.

Unfortunately, when opening the same file in Only Office, the data is not updated. How can I implement similar functionality in Only Office?

An example file is linked.

Hello @AleksandrV

Please specify how did you configure import of such data for better understanding. If possible please provide a link to the documentation that explains in details the process of importing data from web that was used in the document.

Good afternoon.

I made a video recording of the screen as I perform the necessary actions to get data from external (from the Internet) tables.

Thank you for the video. Unfortunately, currently there is no way to get data from Internet.

Earlier we have registered an enhancement suggestion to add possibility to get such data from various sources. I’ve added your query to it. This enhancement will be added in one of the future releases of Desktop Editors but as of now we do not have any estimated date for that.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your response and reaction to my request. Customer support is important in terms of product improvement! Can I somehow get a notification about the introduction of this functionality into operation?

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We will surely notify you here on forum once mentioned suggestion is implemented.

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