Garbled text appearance (cause unknown)

I copied-&-pasted a table I had created in Google Docs into an OnlyOffice document.

The table included a series of 8 smaller tables (sub-tables within the main table).

None of the text in either the main table or the sub-tables was in any way unusual.

As far as I know, at the time I pasted the table into the OnlyOffice doc it appeared normal. That must have been the case because I could not have missed seeing the issue described below.

At some later point I noticed that the text throughout the entire table was completely garbled. This was only in the text within the table and its sub-tables, nowhere else in the same OnlyOffice document. The rest of the document was normal.

I have since copied-&-pasted the affected table (including its sub-tables) into both a GDocs document and a Textedit document (rtf). In both cases, the text appearance after pasting was normal. The garbled text was gone.

I have tried doing the same in OnlyOffice (including pasting into a different document) but I get the same garbled text result each time.

Noting that based on the above the issue doesn’t appear to be inherent to the table, what could be causing this to happen and how can I get the text appearance in the affected section of the document ‘back to normal’?


macOS v.10.14.3 (Mojave)
OnlyOffice Desktop Editors v.7.5.1

Hello @mk7z

First of all, note that there is newer version of Desktop Editor available. Please update your app and the situation again.

If issue is reproducible after the update, please record a video demonstration of the issue for better visual understanding of it and, if possible, attach the document that you have troubles with for analysis.

By the way, have you tried downloading your document to open it with Desktop Editors?

First of all, note that there is newer version of Desktop Editor available. Please update your app and the situation again.

I see that version 8 is available. I had not been aware that there had been an update since 7.5.5. How does one get notified of version updates?

I also don’t recall the recommended procedure for installing new versions. After downloading the update (v.8 in this case), does it automatically overwrite the prior version (7.5.5) of the app?

Does one have to exit the version they are currently working in before installing the new version?

If issue is reproducible after the update, please record a video demonstration of the issue for better visual understanding of it and, if possible, attach the document that you have troubles with for analysis.

I don’t see any way I will be able to do that, since the document is confidential. As noted, when the corrupted table is copied-&-pasted into either Google Docs or even TextEdit, it appears without the corruption. That means that attaching it would subject the attachment to being seen in its uncorrupted state, as would be the case in any circumstance I can think of for directly providing the problem text to others.

By the way, have you tried downloading your document to open it with Desktop Editors?

I am not sure what you mean. If you are referring to downloading the Google Docs doc to convert it rather than copying-&-pasting it, I don’t see why the entire document would already appear normal from the copy-&-paste except for that one table if the problem was with the copy-&-paste. There also are other similar tables in the document and they don’t have the corruption of text this particular one does.

Once I get confirmation from you on how to do the update correctly, I’ll immediately check to see whether that made any difference by reproducing the same steps I took originally.



BTW, the top of the forum screen displays what’s shown below. Another reason why I wasn’t aware that the app had been updated to v. 8.

Also, are you aware that the wysiwyg screen on the right (here in the forum message editor) doesn’t scroll to match the position of the text (etc.) in the screen on the left?

When opening Desktop Editors after the update was released you should get a notification that newer version is available and you can update from there.

Yes, you are correct. It automatically installs the update.

Once you start updating, application should inform you that the running instance must be closed to prompt.

If your file has confidential information in it, you can send it via PM or alternatively create a similar document that can be analyzed for the same problem.

Unfortunately, without the file that can be used to reproduce the issue I cannot replicate it in very detail to analyze the issue. Moreover, as you said, there are several identical tables that do not reproduce the same issue when copy-pasting the content from Google Docs to Desktop Editors.

As for the opening a file with problematic table: basically, the point is to check whether copy-paste works expectedly within two documents (original Google Docs one and another created in Desktop Editors) in Desktop Editors only.

I hope it brings more clarity on your questions.

> When opening Desktop Editors after the update was released you should get a notification that newer version is available and you can update from there.

I have been using Docs (Desktop Editors Free Edition) and have not seen any prompt about an update. In my last reply I included a screenshot of the banner on the current webpage (the one I am composing this in), which only refers to v. 7.5.5.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a way I can reproduce the issue because it’s only happened once, and only with the specific text I mentioned.

> Moreover, as you said, there are several identical tables that do not reproduce the same issue when copy-pasting the content from Google Docs to Desktop Editors.

I think you misunderstood what I wrote. What I copied-&-pasted into Google Docs and Textedit was the corrupted section of the OnlyOffice doc. When I did that the corruption did not display. The affected section was normal, as originally composed.

If this issue hasn’t been reported before, I guess I will just have to make some awkward accommodation for that one section of the document that is corrupted (again, the rest of the document is completely normal).

If it happens again, maybe it will be with text that doesn’t need to be kept private.

Including the corrupted section in a forum message would immediately render it non-private, since it so far only appears corrupted in OnlyOffice. (As mentioned, a copy-&-paste of the corrupted section into both Google Docs and TextEdit restores the corrupted text to normal.)

Here’s a small section of what the corrupted text looks like (what I originally referred to as “garbled”):




An update:

After again seeing the corrupted table (and its sub-tables) appear normally when copied-&-pasted from OnlyOffice to Google Docs (the latter being the original source of the affected doc) I decided to globally decrease the font size of the affected text and then note what effect if any there was when pasting it back into OnlyOffice.

Once in OnlyOffice, after pasting the copied text (which was then in a very small font, not readable), I increased the text size (again, globally) back to its original size.

The text now appears normal. The corrupted appearance (text on top of and overlapping other text) is gone.

Stranger things have happened but not in my use of OnlyOffice so far.


I am still seeing this at the top of this (the current) webpage:

Nothing about v. 8.0.

Thank you for providing more details. Unfortunately, I still cannot reproduce the issue according to your scenario.

By the way, the banner was updated.

Well, I can’t reproduce it either. :slight_smile:

I had thought that ‘garbled text’ might possibly indicate a particular known issue, one known to occur when GDocs text (tables included) is brought into OnlyOffice via copy-&-paste rather than through document conversion.

But even that would not explain why the same structures elsewhere in the document appear normal.

If you manage to reproduce the issue on regular basis, please provide more details so that we can analyze the situation.