Fullscreen mode Desktop

As it’s my first post, hope it’s the right place.

My question is it possible to have a fullscreen mode in Desktop app ?
is there anyplugin who can do that ?
I looked for on the web but found nothing. Only cloud and server mode. (F11)


Hello @elekis


If the tab strip with document tabs is bothering you, you can always drag the document tab and move it elsewhere.

Alternatively, you can use the setting: Settings > Open file > In its own window.

Certainly, your suggestion is clear: using Desktop editor in full-screen mode. I will check on the implementation details and get back to you!

At the moment, there is no option to switch tofull-screen mode in ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors.

We are working on it already.
I’ve added your request to mentioned suggestion :handshake:

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Friends, if this feature is necessary for many users, please leave your comments under this post! We would be happy to see the level of interest.

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I would like to use onlyoffice in full screen for ease of use

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Hey @Paul and other guys)
I will like your posts.

This will signify that your comment has been noticed and added to the list of those interested in this feature.

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Is there any progress on this feature? Full screen support would be extremely useful for those people working on small screens such as those in laptops :smiley:

Hi @jmhernan
Unfortunately, there have been no developments on implementing this suggestion yet, alas. :smiling_face_with_tear:

However, as a workaround, you can utilize the “Open file > in its own window” feature.

Additionally, if you are using Windows, there is an option to “Automatically hide the taskbar.”

Hopefully, this workaround will be helpful for you.

I would like to be able to use full-screen, especially when I’m only reading the documents and PDFs

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@aliam :wave:
You’re now on the interested list. :handshake:

Regrettably, the timeline for implementing this functionality remains undetermined at present

I would also very much like that feature. :slight_smile:

@axel112 :saluting_face:
Added you! :handshake:

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