Forum rules

Welcome to ONLYOFFICE forum!

Here you can post your how-to questions, bug reports, feature requests, and your thoughts about ONLYOFFICE.

We’ll only ask you to follow a few rules:

  1. Be polite and respectful. This shouldn’t even be a rule, but you know the internet.

  2. No spam or excessive self-promotion.

  3. Search before you post. Maybe there are active threads on your topic already.

  4. Use relevant tags when you create your post. This will make navigation here easier for everyone.

  5. Be clear when starting a new topic. Use a descriptive title and write about your problem/question in complete sentences. Attach screenshots and videos.

  6. Help others. If you know the answer to someone’s question, don’t hesitate to share your knowledge.

  7. Just know we are glad you are here. We hope you find the answers to your questions on this forum.

  8. Please note that official languages of this forum are English and Chinese.