Form controls and content controls: differences, advantages and opportunities

There are several questions on the topic of form controls and content controls:

  1. Is it possible to create form controls in a regular document docx with visual editting panes (meaning that without macro coding) like it is with content control objects?

  2. Is it possible to create form controls and/or content controls in a spreadsheet editor (or in any other application apart from document editor)?

  3. What are the main differences between form controls and content controls?

  4. What are the use cases for the form controls and content controls?

Hello, @DeemaRyba

  1. Is it possible to create form controls in a regular document docx with visual editting panes (meaning that without macro coding) like it is with content control objects?

If I understand you correctly, then it is unavailable.

In the right sidebar, the ability to edit form settings is only available in the form editor.

  1. Is it possible to create form controls and/or content controls in a spreadsheet editor (or in any other application apart from document editor)?

It’s not possible.

  1. What are the main differences between form controls and content controls?
  2. What are the use cases for the form controls and content controls?

Please take a look at the article ONLYOFFICE forms: new OFORM & DOCXF formats explained.

If you have any questions, we’ll be happy to provide more details.