Font selector - should filter the whole font name, not just the begining of the font name


When you type something in the font selection field, it filters the font list according to the beginning of the font’s name.

I think that it would be more useful if the filter applied on the whole font’s name.
Often, one knows some part of the font’s name (ex : comic) but not the exact name.
Currently, you have to browse all the list.
With a filtering mechanism, you would just type some part of the name and get the fonts with a matching name.


Hello @arcqus

Thank you for your suggestion. We will a take closer look at it and I will provide feedback afterwards.

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I’d like to inform you that we have registered an enhancement to improve capabilities of a font search to make it able to search by entered name within all available fonts.

Thank you very much for your suggestion.

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Hello again @arcqus

Unfortunately, I have to inform you that we are not planning to change current behavior with font search as we find it most suitable.

I will leave this thread opened for similar requests and new possible ideas.
Once again, thanks for your interest.


To bad :frowning:
IMHO, filtering a drop-down list while typing should be the default behaviour, whatever the field.

Collaboraoffiche has it:

Google docs has that kind of filtering for fonts (albeit in a pop-up window).

Thank you for the reference. We will certainly discuss it internally.

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