Floating bug: edit of text files was blocked

Device: Xiaomi Redmi 5
OS version: Android 8.1.0 OPM1
App version: 5.6.2 build 422 sdk
Mode: network disabled for the app

Two updates later I encountered a situation that the search in editing .txt files stopped working: I was able to fill the fields but the button seemed to be off, with no visual feedback. I decided to wait for a new update.

The recent update broke the editing completely — I was not able to make any changes in the sheet though my keyboard (google one) appeared on the screen. The letters I wrote appeared in suggestions bar on the keyboard but not in the sheet, and upon saving the file I got it unaffected. So I made 4-star rating with description of the mess.

Now it is seemed that the editing is working good. Maybe the issue was in the Google keyboard, but the that-time nonworking search/replace suggests against this assumption. I will remove my 4-star rating now, because the issue is seemed to be resolved and mended somehow.

Hello @dimm
Thank you for your feedback! But I’m a little bit confused. Do you have any issues with android app at the moment? If so, please provide us with step-by-step usage scenario, videofile as well. We will check it out.

Ok @Alexandre, so, you’ve asked for a bugs found by me, here are some of them. At this moment I have no persisting major problems while editing the text files, so in these two videos I am showing some non-critical bugs.

First video features two problems:

  1. excessive load time for plain-text files (minimum 20 seconds), the reason may be in excessive total app cache database rebuild;
  2. copy-pasting currently removes line breaks, which is not a good behavior.

The link to the video 1 (8 Mb):

Second video features usability problems with editing interface:

  1. in this video the second tap on top line of the file landed inside upper running title, this is rather usual case, the exit from that editing mode is double tap outside the running title. The lower edge for the upper running title is expected to be a bit higher or more fuzzy, to avoid the majority of mistaps.
  2. low-speed dragging of the selection edge is making the selection stale and fixed, but upon releasing the touch the selection expands/shrinks to the point where the touch was released from. That makes the selection of the text very clumsy.

The link to the video 2 (18 Mb):

Thank you for detailed description, we’re checking the situations.

Hello @dimm
Probably we need additional information. We checked out running title behavior and all things look ok. It’s the same in different mobile editors. Please clarify your suggestion in details.

low-speed dragging of the selection edge is making the selection stale and fixed, but upon releasing the touch the selection expands/shrinks to the point where the touch was released from. That makes the selection of the text very clumsy.

About this part of the topic. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to reproduce this behavior. I assume that this situation is related to your device only.

As for other mentioned situations, we’re still looking into them.

Update: we added a bug to internal tracksystem on your described scenario (text format is lost) after copy-paste scenario. Thank you for pointing us to this situation.
As for load time for txt files, we checked it out, no issues were detected. This is expected behavior.

The correction to the top topic post:

Wrong text:

“Two updates later I encountered a situation that the search in editing .txt files stopped working: …”

Corrected text:

“Two updates ago I encountered a situation that the search in editing .txt files stopped working: …”

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Note: the link to the file Screenrecorder-2023-05-04-17-18-59-706.mp4 is no more, due to me not advertising the contents of the file featured.

That’s OK, we don’t need the original link since we checked mentioned situation and started working on it.