[FIXED] Can't connect OnlyOffice and NextCloud

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I want to connect nextcloud to onlyoffice

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I get this error when I try to connect from nextcloud to onlyoffice

Error when trying to connect (Error occurred in the document service: Error while downloading the document file to be converted.) (version

Here is my /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/local.json

  "services": {
    "CoAuthoring": {
      "sql": {
        "type": "postgres",
        "dbHost": "localhost",
        "dbPort": "5432",
        "dbName": "onlyoffice",
        "dbUser": "onlyoffice",
        "dbPass": "onlyoffice"
      "token": {
        "enable": {
          "request": {
            "inbox": true,
            "outbox": true
          "browser": true
        "inbox": {
          "header": "AuthorizationJwt"
        "outbox": {
          "header": "AuthorizationJwt"
      "secret": {
        "inbox": {
          "string": "STlBSkCUI7vOw3nK41bnc1IUCK******"
        "outbox": {
          "string": "STlBSkCUI7vOw3nK41bnc1IUCK******"
        "session": {
          "string": "STlBSkCUI7vOw3nK41bnc1IUCK******"
  "rabbitmq": {
    "url": "amqp://guest:guest@localhost"
  "storage": {
    "fs": {
      "secretString": "vHsaDHtlkiPLj9******"

here is my “/etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/nginx/ds.conf”

Some more info:

I have used this guide:


It’s installed with the script, and I use the “packet way”!

For SSL I have tried to follow this guide:


Onlyoffice and nextcloud is NOT hosted on the same server.


I have try to run: bash documentserver-update-securelink.sh - No lock


NextCloud version: 28.0.6


I added “AuthorizationJwt” to Authorization header - And now it works!

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@Taxick :wave:

Thank you for describing your problem and the solution you’ve found :slight_smile: :+1:

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