Filling PDF destroys the layout

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OS version: Windows 11
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Downloaded from: ONLYOFFICE website

I wanted to fill a pdf but every time I do it on OnlyOffice it completely brakes the whole PDF layout, I tried filling it in Ashampoo PDF 3 Pro and in built in PDF Viewer in Firefox and it works fine in this two programs.

Please take a look at attached video:

And here are this two files presented in video:

Orginal.pdf (753.7 KB)
Orginal - Copy.pdf (163.9 KB)

You can download Original Fillable file from this link: Link

Please feel free to contact me if something is not clear or You need more information regarding this issue.

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@dedoci :saluting_face:
Thank you for providing a perfect description of the issue.
Videos demonstrating the problem greatly expedite the process of reproducing the issue on our end.

I’ll inform you as soon as I receive additional information about the problem

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We are working on the issue and investigating the reasons for its occurrence. I will inform you as soon as we have any new information.