Feature request : Set spreadsheet language

A similar feature is available for docx/doc files when its possible to change language for isolated files instead of changing for all files in “File >> Advanced Settings >> Regional Settings”. A similar feature for isolated spreadsheets would be great since oftenly we got to copy/paste number formats recognized by one or other language
Example: Portuguese: 2000,50 English: 2000.50

Hello @Anael

So your suggestion is to make regional settings available per spreadsheet and locate them on the bottom toolbar, is that correct? If so, I’m not quite sure that this is correct behavior for spreadsheet edit, hence I must ask - have you seen a processor that runs with such design?

Yes, that’s it. This feature request is related to a reported issue about spreadsheet macros which can only support one number format for all spreadsheets in the system by selecting the preferable language in “File >> Advanced Settings >> Regional Settings”. Would be interesting an option to select which number format the macro recognizes for each spreadsheet.

How macros are involved in this suggestion? I think more details are needed.

I’m also looking forward to this: