Feature Request: Full PDF Editor

ONLYOFFICE Mobile: Android version :latest from Google Play
Do you want to: Suggest a feature
For feature suggestions, describe the result you would like to achieve in detail.

Device: Lenovo Tab Extreme (screen 14.5)
OS version: Android 13
App version: 5.7.1 build 466
Mode: Connect to Cloud / On Device

Is it possible to add a full PDF editor to the mobile app? Create, edited(add, delete pages, reorder pages), sign with digital signature? Thanks again!

Hey @Keith
We already have some ideas for implementing this suggestion! The idea is indeed a good one. :handshake:
I’ve added your request to mentioned suggestion.

I’m unable to provide a specific timeframe for implementing the suggestion, as it’s a complex task.
Our developers are currently working on implementing many other features in the mobile editor…

Thanks Nikolas. I look forward to this option. And just a heads up, I’ve been suggesting to manufacturer (Lenovo) to pick you guys up as a part of a app suit.

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