Excel to PDF, page header image distorted

I have an Excel file, and when I tested, I found that after converting it to PDF using OnlyOffice, the image in the header was distorted and cut off.
1: Correct page header image
2: Header image converted to pdf
In the original header image, the number 2 is complete. But when saved as a pdf, the number 2 is incomplete
3: This is the excel file used for the test
test (2).XLSX (1.6 MB)

4: This is the file saved as pdf through onlyoffice
test2.pdf (1.2 MB)

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Hello @xiaotuyun :wave:

Thank you for the provided information, screenshots, and files. We need some time to reproduce the issue. As soon as I have any information, I will notify you.

You’ve done a great job. Thank you! :handshake:

Hi @xiaotuyun :handshake:

We have reproduced the issue you described.
Once the fix is included in a future release, we will definitely notify you!