Example not working after move to HTTPS

Hi all,

I’m having a little trouble, even getting the initial example working. On my first attempt (without HTTPS), it seemed to work fine. I added my certificate details (not self signed) to Nginx and since then I’ve been seeing the following attached error since.

Full install on a new clean server Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (AWS).

Followed exact instructions at: Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs for Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives - ONLYOFFICE (not changing port to 443 as per the warning).

Set up SSL as detailed in: Switching ONLYOFFICE Docs to HTTPS protocol - ONLYOFFICE (Switching ONLYOFFICE Docs v5.3 and later to HTTPS section).

I receive the following error in nginx.error.log

2023/10/18 08:13:50 [error] 10208#10208: *16 open() “/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/vendor/socketio/socket.io.min.js.map” failed (2: No such file or directory), client: {MY IP}, server: , request: “GET /7.5.0-125/web-apps/vendor/socketio/socket.io.min.js.map HTTP/1.1”, host: “{sub domain dot my domain dot come}”

Has anyone experienced this or similar before? Can anyone help? I’ve made no other changes to the server or configuration as yet.

Many thanks in advance!

I should note, 443 is of course open! :slight_smile:

Hey @paulf :handshake:

  1. Open browser’s console (choose Network tab) → Refresh the page → Send us a screenshot of the page with browser’s console opened, if there are any errors;
  2. Open browser’s console (choose Console tab) → Refresh the page → Send us a screenshot of the page with browser’s console opened, if there are any errors.

Hi Nikolas,

Unfortunately neither console nor the networking tab show any errors (or messages for that matter).

Hi Paul, did you run below command after configuring SSL ?
bash documentserver-update-securelink.sh

i think this solve your problem

“Please open /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/default.json and change ‘rejectUnauthorized’ value to false . After that run supervisorctl restart all

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  1. bash documentserver-update-securelink.sh as @tsetsiba mentioned.
  2. If problem persists ever after please share log files of Document Server located in /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver
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Thanks both @Nikolas @MifiUp that’s exactly what was needed. I wish this was added to the set up instructions as it did slow me down significantly.

As far as I remember, it has always been there :upside_down_face:


Switching ONLYOFFICE Docs v5.3 and later to HTTPS


Hello, @Nikolas !

I have the problem with no generation sockerio.js.min.map file after rebuilding volumes and reconfigure of php server and onlyoffice to use a variability folder:

   - ${STORAGE_DIR}:/var/www/html/src/web/uploads
   - ${STORAGE_DIR}/onlyoffice-temp:/var/lib/onlyoffice/documentserver/App_Data/cache/files

I retryed sometimes a previous directory to onlyoffice and run
bash documentserver-update-securelink.sh
Not result. How cant it be a problem?

Hi @DEMo :vulcan_salute:

Unfortunately, you provided very little information to work with. There’s hardly anything to go on.

  1. Could you please provide details on how you rebuilt the volumes and reconfigured the PHP server and OnlyOffice? What specifically triggered the error?
  2. Could you describe the error itself in more detail? What exactly happens after the rebuild and reconfiguration?

Hi, @Nikolas !

Sorry for delay. I found a solution by this way:

  1. Set big value of FileConverter.converter.maxDownloadBytes like 500000000
  2. Set big values for POST requests options in inner nginx configuration
/etc/nginx/nginx.conf & /etc/nginx/sites-available/default:

client_max_body_size 512m;
fastcgi_read_timeout 300;
proxy_connect_timeout       600;
proxy_send_timeout          600;
proxy_read_timeout          600;
send_timeout                600;

It’s solved my problem. Thanks for help!

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We’re glad the issue has been resolved, and we appreciate you describing the solution you found.