Out of the blue I have started getting this error. My system is in Portuguese (Brazil), but it shoud translate as something like this: Error: The file cannot be accessed right now. Press “OK” to return to documents list."
It does happen when I try to open any document from the server (OnlyOffice WS Community Server, running under Ubuntu Server 22.04).
Thanks in advance guys
Hello @brunoleonadvogado
To start off please share next information:
- log files from /var/logs/onlyoffice/communityserver and /var/logs/onlyoffice/documentserver inside the containers;
- screenshots of the Console and Network tabs of the browser console while reproducing this issue. To make them follow next scenario:
- open browser console (F12);
- make screenshots of Console and Network tabs.
Waiting for your reply.
Hi again Constantine, I did actually find the issue, it was this entry:
After using the correct domain, it now works.
Thank you anyway
Glad to hear that the problem is solved.