Error opening doc on mac app

Error on open: CleanShot 2024-01-22 at 08.07.53 · CleanShot Cloud

Hello, @barnabynagy :handshake:

I will try to reproduce your issue. :thinking:
Please specify a few details:

  1. Could you please confirm if you were using ONLYOFFICE DocSpace SaaS? (If possible, provide your DocSpace url address.)
  2. Did the error start occurring immediately or after specific actions?
    2.1. Please describe the reproduction scenario.
  3. Provide the version of the desktop application.
  4. Mention the version of MacOS and processor (arm/intel).
  1. I think so. Although I’m confused as to what these different services are…
  2. I did not use the app for some months, uninstalled the app, then resintalled and did not work out of the box.
  3. Version 7.5 (926)
  4. CleanShot 2024-01-24 at 08.25.03 · CleanShot Cloud
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:hugs: @barnabynagy

Can I kindly request you to make a screen recording to demonstrate the reproduction of the error?

Currently, I lack sufficient data to reproduce the issue as described by you.

I made recording for your but it says I can’t upload attachments and I can’t send links so how?

try now :rightwards_hand:

If I understand correctly, you are using the iOS application on a Mac mini (macOS) with an M1 processor.

For macOS, we have a dedicated application available. You can download it here.

How to install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors for Mac OS?

Rest assured, we will thoroughly examine the scenario you provided. As soon as additional information becomes available, I will promptly update you.


In the near future, the release of editors 8.0 will be available, and the issue you described has not been reproduced.

I will notify you as soon as the applications are available for iOS and macOS! :handshake:

So until then I can’t use the app?

  1. At the moment, I would recommend using the ONLYOFFICE Desktop application for macOS.
  1. The issue you encountered with the iOS application has been addressed and fixed in version 8.0.
  1. I was using the macOS app, the video I showed you was showing you that I was using the macOS app. Did it look like I was using an iOS app?
  2. Works, thanks for fixing

I would like to demonstrate how the desktop application looks on macOS and how the iPad application appears on an macOS :

ONLYOFFICE Desktop on macOS:

ONLYOFFICE Documents on macOS

You are making it very confusing having these different apps and doc space and cloud and what not. Very un user friendly