I encountered an issue when trying to open an Excel file created in Microsoft Excel 2021 in ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors version (licensed under GNU AGPL v3).
The file is structured as a registry of books.
It contains filters and formulas, but no macros.
The file opens and works correctly in Microsoft Excel 2021.
When opening the file in ONLYOFFICE, an error occurs,
Operating System: Windows 10
ONLYOFFICE Version: (x64 exe)
I’m ready to upload the file for testing purposes, but all information in it will be cleared to protect sensitive data.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue? Are there any solutions, such as updating ONLYOFFICE or modifying the file?
Try clearing the data and opening the document in our editor. If the error persists, please attach the document for further testing. If the error disappears, we will consider options for sharing the document.
I deleted all the data, there were also non-working links with external sources and everything became fine. But right now, when working in 2 files at the same time, the table and 1 file in the text version is also a table, the online office begins to slow down terribly.
Could you please specify the size of the final file you are working with in the online editor? Additionally, could you provide the specifications of the server from which you are running the Document Server?
I won’t tell you the file size. but it’s not big, about 1 megabyte, we work with onlioffice on local computers, not over the network. there is no network server. 4gb ddr3 computers, I don’t remember the processor, the computers are 10 years old. today I noticed that when working with the table, the process is very heavily loaded,helper, you need to wait a couple of minutes for the table to hang down.
Unfortunately, I can’t provide the file. There is confidential information. If you delete it, the file will be completely clean. I can describe the problem or provide other information if necessary with other files.
In order to assist with the issue, we need to perform tests on the actual file where the issue occurs. You may replace any sensitive data as long as the issue remains reproducible