Error occur notice that "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for..."

I installed docs server in centos system, and the version is 8.1.1-26, when I use the java spring example to edit document, everything is ok, and then I wrote a springboot program as storage system, a problem occured, when I edited the document, and then closed it, waitting the save fallback request from the doc server arrived, my program properly responsed and saved the changes, and then I opened the document again, it can’t be edited and poped the notice that “You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.
Please contact your Document Server administrator” when you try to edit it.

Please send us Document Server logs (/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver)

I have solved this problem, I didn’t change the key in config when I editd the file, thank you

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