Error in cell addresses after sorting

I found an error in the formulas.
If you follow all these steps, then the cell addresses in the formulas are violated.

  1. Create a table with multiple rows and columns
  2. Write formulas in the last column (you can use simple formulas =B3-C3)
  3. Save the document
  4. Add one or two lines (preferably two)
  5. Copy Formulas
  6. Apply sorting across the entire table
  7. Save and close the app
  8. Open the document and manually check the formulas.
    Some will be disrupted.

Hello @maxel

I did not experience any issues with the formulas after re-opening the app. Maybe I am missing some additional steps or do not see what is meant by “Some will be disrupted”. Can you record a video demo for better understanding? By the way, what is the version of Desktop Editors?

You asked for a video

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Thank you very much for the video. Indeed, I was misunderstanding 4th step. We are analyzing this situation.

Based on the provided scenario we’ve registered a bug on the position change of sorted formulas after re-opening. Thank you for the report.