Error downloading file. Press “OK” to return to documents list. New install

Document Server version: 8.2
Type of installation of the Document Server : rpm
OS: Oracle linux 9.5
Browser version:
Additional information:

Installed according to instructions Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs for CentOS and derivatives - ONLYOFFICE

I’m starting to test: sudo systemctl start ds-example.
Error when created

Hello @shon82, please provide full Document Server logs as file (/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver)

docservice.log (12.5 KB)
converter.log (22.6 KB)
pload://sYWWZpcXiGwYXDP2SwcI7qSbzaa.log) (240.0 KB)
metrics.log (6.1 KB)

nginx.error.log (240.0 KB)

The following additional info would be helpful:

  1. Screenshot of service rabbitmq-server status command’s output
  2. Screenshot of netstat -tulpn | grep 5672
  3. Rabbitmq logs:/var/log/rabbitmq
  4. Screenshot of systemctl status redis command’s output
  5. Screenshot of redis-server --version command’s output

rabbit@onlyoffice.log (67.2 KB)

Redis is not installed

Please clarify, have you created onlyoffice database table with onlyoffice user prior to the installation? (in postgre database as mentioned in the guide)
Have you encountered relevant errors during the installation process?

Did it according to instructions:

sudo -i -u postgres psql -c “CREATE USER onlyoffice WITH PASSWORD ‘onlyoffice’;”
sudo -i -u postgres psql -c “CREATE DATABASE onlyoffice OWNER onlyoffice;”

there were no installation errors

Please provide the following:

  1. systemctl status postgresql command’s output
  2. Check if onlyoffice user and onlyoffice table exist in the database