Error: Download failed

Snapshot first:

I have new trouble again, now.
Last time, I post this topic:

Thanks for your help, I fixed it. But, After I deployed the server successful, this error came out when I tested the server.

any operations will pop up this error, new docx, new xlsx, new pptx, new pdf, also, any user name, any language, all will pop up this error, I can not do any thing in my test page of the Doc server. The environments of hardware and software are in the post above, I dont know how this error happened.

Hello @VincentYoung,
Please provide Document Server logs (/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver - inside the container)

nginx.error.log (1.1 KB)
out.log (45.5 KB)
out.log (38.2 KB)
Here are the log files:

Please set rejectUnauthorized parameter to false within default.json
(/etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/default.json - inside the container) and restart ONLYOFFICE services afterwards (supervisorctl restart all). If the issue is not resolved afterwards, please reproduce the issue and provide fresh logs (absolutely all logs)

I made it! Thank you for this guide!

You are welcome. I am glad the issue is resolved