Error accessing through DDNS+port number method

I am deploying the CentOS system on a Hyper-V virtual machine on a Windows 11 computer. I am using a one-click installation script to install ONLYOFFICE Docspac on this virtual machine. The IP address of the virtual machine is I have also bound a DDNS service on my router with the domain name I am using port forwarding (virtual server) to forward external port 8888 to port 80 of

When I tried to access on the internet, I encountered a page error and was redirected to the website of

However, when I connect to in the client, I can access it normally.

Hello @touma

Please specify how did you configure port forwarding. Did you use -ep/--externalport parameter of installation script or did it manually?

hi @Constantine

I did not modify it through -ep. I did port forwarding in the router’s management system because I installed it using RPM and cannot modify the port through -ep

Ok, got it, thanks. Please provide more details on these statements:

Can you reproduce the issue and share a screenshot of mentioned error? Also, do I understand correctly that by ‘internet’ you mean accessing DocSpace via browser on Windows (a.k.a. host OS)?

By ‘client’ you meant accessing from virtual machine, didn’t you?


This refers to the situation where there is an error redirection when accessing with a browser on other devices on the internet (non-local network).

This refers to the situation where normal access is possible when accessing through a browser within a local area network.

I will try to reproduce the problem and provide process images.

Have the same issue with Onlyoffice Workspace…

Do you fix this?


I have no problem deploying the Workspace on Docker environment on Hyper-V.