
Fedora 39

Can someone point me to where in the User’s Guide for the directions to envelope printing?

Many thanks,

Hello @Todd
Do you mean changing Page Size?

Please clarify if I misunderstood the request.

I am looking for directions to the entire process, not just the paper size.

I’m a little bit confused about what guide you are looking for. There’s a guide for printing in general: Save, download, print your document - ONLYOFFICE
Please clarify if I misunderstood your request.

Hi Alexandre,

This is what I am after (this is from the abandoned Word Pro):

WordProEnvelopes.mkv (6.9 MB)

Hello @Todd

Is it possible to provide a link to documentation on mentioned functionality? Do I understand correctly that this is related to the separate preparation for printing envelopes in mentioned document processor?

My Word Pro “help” says to click on the “envelope” icon and follow the prompts. So no help at all. And every search engine I have tried only gives envelope directions for M$ Word. Rats!

Word Pro allows you to position and envelope inside a document with other normal pages in it.

I usually write my letter in the first division, highlight the address in the letter, then hit the envelope icon and Word Pro creates a new division with the envelope in it.

I am looking for beginning to end: address including any database of addresses or the ability to highlight it, return address including any database addresses, remark on the envelope (“Invoice Enclosed”, etc.), positioning of from and to blocks, paper alignment in your printer. The paper size is only part of it.

Word Pro makes the process very slick. M$ Word has a way to do it, but I never figured it out.

I have attached an lwp document with an envelope in it.

SampleEnvelope.lwp (20.7 KB)

Can you provide a link to the Microsoft Word documentation at least? This would help us to understand the process in details.

I have no M$Word document with envelopes in it. Does this link help?

Yes, indeed. Thank you. We will discuss this functionality internally and I will provide feedback afterwards.

You guys have the knack of making things user friendly and intuitive – poking Rube Goldberg in the eye. Seriously. I can not stand tiles, but I am fine with yours. It really surprised me. I look forward to what you guys come up with! :slight_smile:

Thank you for kind words. We have registered an enhancement suggestion to implement separate mechanism to prepare and print envelopes from currently opened document.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide any estimated time frames for implementation as of now.