Emails in the web interface are not synchronized with mail clients

Tell me please. according to the instructions, I installed OnlyOffice Workspace together with the mail server. The mail in the web interface works, sending and receiving. The problem arises in synchronization with any mail application via imap, any actions (deletion, transfer, are synchronized between different client programs, but are not synchronized with the onlyoffice web interface. For example, I deleted all incoming and sent emails and emptied the trash, in onlyoffice there are 0 emails, I install Thunderbird or any other client, configure it using imap, and I have all the emails that appeared in the inbox and sent, only if I delete them in the program in other client mail programs they also disappear, the same cannot be said about the web interface, as if they are not interconnected at all. Is this how it should be?

if this is how it should be, then how can I delete server emails if, after deleting OnlyOffice emails, they remain on the server and disappear only in OnlyOffice?

ubuntu 22.04, installation of workspace-install-docker

thank you in advance

Hi @chasov :wave:

Thank you for reaching out regarding the synchronization issue between the ONLYOFFICE web interface and external mail clients via IMAP.

To better understand the problem, could you please clarify the following:

  1. Are you simply connecting an existing email account (from an external mail provider) through the Mail module in ONLYOFFICE, which acts as an aggregator for different email services?


  1. Is the issue occurring with a new email account created on your domain that’s connected to your ONLYOFFICE mail server?

This distinction will help us determine the next steps and provide the appropriate guidance.

yes, I installed onlyoffice + onlyoffice mail server on one virtual machine, after which I created a domain name with all configured records on the mail server, then I create the onlyoffice user along with creating mail.

Hi @chasov :saluting_face:

Could you please provide the following details:

  1. The exact versions of the components you’re using. It might be easiest to get this by running docker ps -a.
  2. Could you clarify how you are creating the email accounts on the mail server and how you are connecting them afterward?
  3. Can you confirm if the issue only affects accounts created on our mail server?
  4. Please share the /var/www/onlyoffice/WebStudio/web.appsettings.config file as well, and kindly send this file to me via private messages.

Also, please note that if you create an email account (e.g., via the console on the mail server) and then connect the mailbox manually, IMAP may not be enabled on that account.

Additionally, could you provide a similar screenshot? (Add new account.png) (2nd)

Good evening.

  1. Version
    907ee268b57c onlyoffice/communityserver: “/app/run-community-…” 7 days ago Up 7 minutes>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp, 3306/tcp, 5280/tcp, 9865-9866/tcp, 9871/tcp, 9882/tcp,>5222/tcp, :::5222->5222/tcp, 9888/tcp onlyoffice-community-server
    1e39e5434ce4 onlyoffice/controlpanel: “/var/www/onlyoffice…” 7 days ago Up 7 minutes 80/tcp, 443/tcp onlyoffice-control-panel
    4b07dd5b548f onlyoffice/mailserver:1.6.75 “/bin/sh -c 'export …” 7 days ago Up 7 minutes>25/tcp, :::25->25/tcp,>143/tcp, :::143->143/tcp,>465/tcp, :::465->465/tcp,>587/tcp, :::587->587/tcp,>993/tcp, :::993->993/tcp,>995/tcp, :::995->995/tcp, 3306/tcp,>4190/tcp, :::4190->4190/tcp, 8081/tcp onlyoffice-mail-server
    6c9716ef8cb6 onlyoffice/documentserver: “/app/ds/run-documen…” 7 days ago Up 8 minutes 80/tcp, 443/tcp onlyoffice-document-server
    edac1a9bf9c9 onlyoffice/elasticsearch:7.16.3 “/bin/tini – /usr/l…” 7 days ago Up 8 minutes 9200/tcp, 9300/tcp onlyoffice-elasticsearch
    a81fb4c9eb1e mysql:8.0.29 “docker-entrypoint.s…” 7 days ago Up 6 minutes 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp onlyoffice-mysql-server

  2. I created a mailbox when creating a user, and also tried to create a mailbox with a user link.

  3. The problem affects both on your mail server, I also tried to add gmail .com mail, the problem turned out to be the same (I delete emails in the onlyoffice web interface, but these emails remain in the phone or computer application).

  4. I can’t find the file, there is no /www folder in the /var folder, I sent the screenshots by message

Hi @chasov

Thank you for the information and screenshots provided.

  • Regarding the issue with Gmail synchronization:

We’re aware of this issue and have logged it as a bug related to IMAP synchronization with other clients.

  • Regarding the synchronization between our mail server and other clients via IMAP:

We’ll work on reproducing your specific situation.
If we need any additional information from you, I’ll be sure to reach out.

Thank you for your patience as we work through this.

I can confirm this behavior.

I have ONLYOffice Workspaces installed, WITHOUT the mail server.

I added my Gmail account to Mail in Workspaces. Any changes including deleting, sending, moving emails or creating, deleting, moving folders, aren’t synced back to Gmail.

Any pre-existing folders in Gmail did not sync, however my pre-existing Tags DID sync to Workspaces, though any new tags I create don’t sync back to Gmail.

Definitely seems as something is wrong on Workspaces side. This is happening on my relatively fresh Workspaces server (about 2 weeks old)

Installed on Ubuntu using the Docker install method.

1 Like

Hey @austin3410 :saluting_face:

Thank you for the information provided. We’re aware of this issue, and it has been logged as a bug related to IMAP synchronization with external mail clients like Gmail.

We’ve encountered a similar synchronization issue with another user, Ivan, specifically involving our ONLYOFFICE Mail Server and syncing actions with other clients. Our team is currently investigating this situation.

@chasov :wave:
Thank you for your patience as we investigated the IMAP synchronization issue :upside_down_face:

  1. Synchronization with Internal Mail Service and Gmail: After testing, we did not encounter any issues with the synchronization of incoming messages and status updates within our mail service or with messages from Gmail. The status synchronization appears to be functioning as expected.
  2. Issue with Moving Emails to Trash: We were able to reproduce the issue with moving emails to the trash, and this has been documented in several bug reports for further resolution.

  • IMAP Service Configuration: For optimal IMAP service performance, it is essential to ensure that DNS settings are correctly verified and that certificates are up to date. Based on your description, it sounds like your DNS settings are configured properly.

  • IMAP Scope and Limitations:

It’s important to note that IMAP is implemented only within our mail service, and synchronization will not fully work with external mail services like Gmail. However, tags from Gmail emails will still be transferred into our system, although this synchronization is one-way only.