Email Receiving Problem: email not received in web but can be received via IMAP

Please provide next information:

logs of Community Server from:


@Nikolas logs sent via private message. thank you.

@Nikolas were you able to get the logs? we’re still unable to check emails

logs have been successfully received.
I will notify you as soon as there is a result.

Please specify, do you have users added via LDAP?

@Nikolas apologies for missing that detail. Yes, all users are authenticated via LDAP (except for the main admin user)

Yes, it was important :slight_smile:
For some reason, I didn’t think to clarify this detail myself.

We managed to reproduce the issue on our side and we are trying to detect and fix the root cause.

I will inform you additionally about the result.

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@Nikolas just want to ask if there are procedures to fix this. thank you

Recently we managed to release an update, it is already available. (12.5.2)
Please make a snapshot of the server and try to update the installations.

Let me know the result of the update and if the issue is resolved.

@Nikolas Confirming that this is fixed. Thank you.
though the team decided not to continue with OnlyOffice email. Good to know though that this feature is working again.

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Sorry for the inconvenience caused. :pensive:
We tried to fix this problem as quickly as possible.

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