Email host is not working

Hi team,

I have configured a new domain in onlyoffice and added all the MX records and txt records in my host.
After that only the mail is sending but I couldn’t able to receive email.

Can anyone help me in this? Thanks in advance.

Hello itmithun26.
Please provide us with some additional information:

  1. OS of the server where Workspace is installed.
  2. Type of installation (docker, deb/rpm, exe).
  3. Version of ONLYOFFICE components installed (Community Server,Mail server, etc.)
  4. How you performed installation, send me also the link to the guide you used.

As for the issue in general, please check status of MailAggregator service and try to restart it (for Linux: service onlyofficeMailAggregator restart; for Windows, restart ONLYOFFICE Mail in Windows Sevices). Also please provide us with whole Community Server logs folder. It’s located here:
deb\rpm /var/log/onlyoffice/
docker: /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/logs/
Windows: Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\CommunityServer\Logs


Hello there,

I’m also having the same issue:

  1. OS of the server where Workspace is installed
    Ubuntu 18.04.6

  2. Type of installation (docker, deb/rpm, exe).

  3. Version of ONLYOFFICE
    All components installed: Community/Document/Mail Server + MYSQL and Control Panel

  4. How you performed installation, send me also the link to the guide you used.
    Docker Script by using this Installing server version using the provided script - ONLYOFFICE

Thank you so much!!!


I was able to fix my problem by opening the required ports. On another note, it can take up to 60 seconds to receive emails while sent emails takes 1 to 2 seconds to be received at the other end. Are these normal times?

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This is expected behavior for MailAggregator service.

How did you open the ports?

Hello @Liam
I believe, It depends on your OS. Please check this title about how to open ports on Linux systems: