Does it load endlessly on the integrated test example?
Please share a link to the guide that you’ve followed to install Document Server. Also, please check browser console for any issues during document loading - best practice here is to open a document to reproduce the issue, then open browser console (F12) and then reload the page with opened browser console. If possible, provide logs from C:\Program Files\ONLYOFFICE\DocumentServer\Log\ too.
I am actually trying to open a document using the integrated test example…
When I open the browser console and reload the page as you suggested, I get several errors :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) for web-apps/vendor/socketio/
Websocket connection failed. There was a bad response from the server
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad gateway) nginx
The files in my C:\Program Files\ONLYOFFICE\DocumentServer\Log\ folder didn’t help… No file was updated after I tested this scenario
First of all, I’d ask you to share the logs anyway since rest of error does not provide enough information to understand the issue. By the way, did you enable HTTPS?
Additionally, please make sure that all required ports are opened on the machine. You can find list of ports used by Document Server in our Help Center:
There was indeed some issues with port numbers, I have solved it, thank you !
Now when I open a document I have an error saying “The document security token is not correctly formed”… how could I work this out please ? Here are the logs of docservice :
[2023-12-20T09:02:32.652] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server starting…
[2023-12-20T09:02:32.661] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Failed to subscribe to plugin folder updates. When changing the list of plugins, you must restart the server. File system | Node.js v21.5.0 Documentation
[2023-12-20T09:02:32.806] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server listening on port 8000 in production-windows mode. Version: 7.5.1. Build: 23
[2023-12-20T09:05:12.084] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - convertRequest auth failed {“code”:-120,“isDecoded”:false,“params”:{“async”:false,“filetype”:“docx”,“key”:“7590ed07_44cd_4354_80f7_fa5e15804085”,“outputtype”:“docx”,“title”:“506c2a16-33b3-47c1-b0c8-48a69de78d45”,“url”:“http://my_ip:80/Products/Files/HttpHandlers/filehandler.ashx?action=empty&title=.docx&X-REWRITER-URL=http%3a%2f%2fmy_ip%3a80”,“region”:null}}
[2023-12-20T09:05:27.091] [WARN] [localhost] [VU_Vc8YH4zjZ8aE_5FdK_tTmDFJroDj15l_xPJI7aNM_] [userId] nodeJS - checkJwt error: name = JsonWebTokenError message = jwt must be provided token = undefined
[2023-12-20T09:16:45.870] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - convertRequest auth failed {“code”:-120,“isDecoded”:false,“params”:{“async”:false,“filetype”:“docx”,“key”:“ac75903e_586d_46c4_88bc_c3ad246e82e5”,“outputtype”:“docx”,“title”:“805fc90a-5eef-443b-93ed-70736e7bb67b”,“url”:“http://my_ip:80/Products/Files/HttpHandlers/filehandler.ashx?action=empty&title=.docx&X-REWRITER-URL=http%3a%2f%2fmy_ip%3a80”,“region”:null}}
[2023-12-20T09:21:33.320] [WARN] [localhost] [7Cix2001EPU5qqVhymVBlejHwa1bLV44txGJq1FVo_c_] [userId] nodeJS - checkJwt error: name = JsonWebTokenError message = jwt must be provided token = undefined
[2023-12-20T09:21:48.243] [WARN] [localhost] [VU_Vc8YH4zjZ8aE_5FdK_tTmDFJroDj15l_xPJI7aNM_] [userId] nodeJS - checkJwt error: name = JsonWebTokenError message = jwt must be provided token = undefined
[2023-12-20T09:31:43.670] [WARN] [localhost] [VU_Vc8YH4zjZ8aE_5FdK_tTmDFJroDj15l_xPJI7aNM_] [userId] nodeJS - checkJwt error: name = JsonWebTokenError message = jwt must be provided token = undefined
Did you make any changes to default.json config of Document Server? Please share latest ERROR entries from out.log in converter folder after trying to reproduce the issue.
Also, when I disable JWT Token and I try to open a document, I have a “Download failed” error displayed.
And I have the following error in DocumentServer/Log/convert/out.log :
[2024-01-03T10:09:34.941] [ERROR] [localhost] [H3WaP3WhpVp2PFECr3czkUUvBJYYNIyCvYAxz6peGwM_] [79ae64f3-18d7-4bbf-b0bb-8dfabc6731a9] nodeJS - error downloadFile:url=http://my_ip:80/Products/Files/HttpHandlers/filehandler.ashx?action=stream&fileid=125&stream_auth=441968971646.VAV9OGF1MHHHH9N715S7TZBJIBRXDZ8NENK5SXIQRZE&X-REWRITER-URL=http%3a%2f%2fmy_ip%3a80;attempt=3;code:null;connect:null Error: DNS lookup my_ip(family:undefined, host:undefined) is not allowed. Because, It is private IP address.
at validateIPAddress (C:\snapshot\server\build\server\Common\node_modules\request-filtering-agent\lib\request-filtering-agent.js:71:20)
at Socket. (C:\snapshot\server\build\server\Common\node_modules\request-filtering-agent\lib\request-filtering-agent.js:125:29)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:519:28)
at Socket.emit (events.js:412:35)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1145:10)