Using in conjunction with Desktop editors, mainly Document and Presentation. Linux Mint 21.3.
I’m being driven insane by constant error dialogs of the form “The document could not be saved. Please check connection settings or contact your administrator. When you click the ‘OK’ button, you will be prompted to download the document.”
It appears to happen when the editor has been sitting idle for a few minutes, or in the background while I’m reading something in my browser.
Surely there’s a better way to handle it, such as a retry?
I was previously using the Microsoft 365 online products, never a similar problem. And no connection problem with any other software I use.
Hello @ron.dunn,
You’ve added DocSpace tag to this topic, so, are we talking about DocSpace? Does the issue occur there? If so, what is the version of DocSpace in particular being used? What is the type of installation? (package or Docker)
I’m using the hosted DocSpace, @DmitriiV.
I don’t know how to tell the version, it is whatever ONLYOFFICE is hosting. My account is [name]
I have connected it to the desktop using the “Connect to cloud” option.
Understood. And Desktop Editor is on Linux Mint, right? Or where do you run it?
Correct, I run Desktop on Linux Mint, with a wired connection to my modem.
Thank you for the provided info, we are currently analysing
And what is your type of Dekstop Editor installation on Linux Mint? (deb/snap/flatpak/appimage)
It is deb, Dmitri.
onlyoffice-desktopeditors_amd64.deb, downloaded on January 23.
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Okay, please wait for our feedback
For now we haven’t been able to reproduce the issue on our side, it may occur due to some particular network connectivity problems.
Please also provide the screen recording of the issue reproduction for reference
Thank you for trying, Dmitri.
I will attempt to capture the error on video and share it.
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