Downloadurl is ipv6 ,onlyoffice can not connect it

Hi @Constantine:
i use docker to install onlyoffice,and my host is ipv6,when i open document,the server return errors

ps:if my host is ipv4 ,can open the doc normally

Hello @onlyofficeUser1

We are checking the situation. I’ll let you know the result when we get them.

We did some tests and found out that Docker does not assign IPv6 addresses to the containers, hence an issue arises when trying to use IPv6 with Document Server.
Here is how you can let Docker start assigning IPv6 addresses:

  1. Create config daemon.yaml in the Docker directory /etc/docker/;
  2. To the daemon.yaml add next content:
"ipv6": true,
"fixed-cidr-v6": "2001:db8:abc1::/64"
  1. Restart Docker (service docker restart or systemctl restart docker).

After that, all your containers will be able to get IPv6 address, so you can access Document Server under IPv6 address in the browser.