Download failed on client side app

I launched own server on Docker. I got secret key to generate jwt token on server-side (Node.js) and pass it to my editor in Reactjs. I specified config to API library DocumentEditor , but i face error which do not load document itself. It throws errors (Screenshot is attached)

The document could not be saved. Please check connection settings or contact your administrator. When you click the “Okay” button, you will be prompted to download the document.

Download Failed

Everything fine on server, I can work with documents and excels. What’s causing the trouble through web application?

Hi @Alikhan :wave:
Could you please provide the following information:

  1. The version of your Document Server.
  2. Please try running the following commands and check for any errors:
  • wget [your-document-server-address] from your storage application server.
  • wget [your-storage-address] from the Document Server.
  1. The Document Server logs located at /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/ (inside the container). If the logs contain sensitive information, you can upload them to an external storage service and send me the link via a private message.

I found the issue , thank you. I wanted to know Is it possible to synchronize file changes through the editor directly to a file in 3rd party storage (e.g. minIO)?

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@Alikhan :vulcan_salute:

For more details on how file opening and saving works, you can refer to the following links:

If you have any further questions or need clarifications, please don’t hesitate to ask!