Documents empties for some members in humhub

We have a nextcloud server+ only office, and byside a humhub instance on our webhosting proviser server.
when I upload a document in the humhub, some members of our comunity can access and edit the file online whithout problems; some others have only empty document even when they change their terminal ( laptop or PC…)
I don’t understand :sweat_smile:
Can you help us? thanks

Hello @NorbertLapin
I believe we need additional information for troubleshooting. Please provide us:

  1. Versions of HumHub, connector app, Document server.
  2. If it’s possible, please reproduce the issue and provide us with videofile and whole Document server logs folder. They’re located here:
    docker: /app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/logs/documentserver/
    deb\rpm: /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/
    Windows: Program Files\ONLYOFFICE\DocumentServer\log
  3. Do I understand it right that HumHub is integrated to the same Document server as Nextcloud, but issue reproduces on HumHub only?