Document Service is not available

After turning off the lights, none of the users can open documents. Error: “Document Service is not available. Please contact support”. And controlpanel return “502 Bad Gateway”

Control panel :
Community Server :
Document Server :
Type of installation: Docker
OS: CentOS 8

Unfortunately, we do not provide support for old versions of ONLYOFFICE products, please update your Workspace components to current versions: Control Panel to 3.5.2 version; Community Server to 12.6.0; Document Server to 8.0.1. You can update (Installing server version with additional script parameters - ONLYOFFICE) by running the following command: bash -u true

If the issue still remains after the update, please provide the following:

  1. docker ps -a command’s output
  2. Document Server logs (/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver in Document Server container)
  3. Control Panel logs (/var/log/onlyoffice inside Control Panel container)