Document anomaly between version 5 and 7

Good morning,
We recently changed the version of OnlyOffice from to 7.0.0
what has been found is that the templates created with are displayed incorrectly in version 7.0.0, in particular empty lines are missing at the bottom of the page.
An important note is that the end of the page was not used in the creation of the document.
At the moment, manual reformatting is therefore necessary to adjust the correct shape.
I was wondering if anyone had encountered a similar problem when changing versions.
Thanks, greetings.

Hey @fausto.minotti :smiley:

Version 5.3.1 was released a long time ago, back in 2019, if I’m not mistaken. Many changes have occurred over the past 5 years… Such a gap between versions is quite unusual.

I would like to point out that the current version is 8.0.1, and the release of 8.1.0 is planned.

Why did you decide to stick with version 7 of the document server?