DocSpace on RaspberryPi 5 ?! dpkg --configure docspace fails

Firstly, congratulations on an extremely slick and capable suite of software. Most impressive!

As an initial test, I installed DocSpace in a VirtualBox VM on x64, by following the instructions for a scripted install that involved downloading and running The resulting installation worked nicely (the Docker version didn’t work, BTW).

Then, I attempted to install DocSpace on a RaspberryPi 5 (quad-core arm64 CPU @ 2.4GHz, 8GB RAM) running RaspberryPi OS (i.e. Debian 12). Again, I downloaded and ran, which initially failed because the Pi 5 has 8,443,625 bytes of RAM but the installer was looking for 8,192 MB RAM. I realised I could download the subsidiary and install-Debian/*.sh scripts, edit them and get the installer to run them locally. Having hacked my way around the memory issue, the installer failed again, saying that the arm64 architecture is not supported. With a bit of digging around I ascertained that this was because .NET SDK 7.0 is not available for the arm64 architecture as a Microsoft Debian package. However, there is a scripted installer for arm64, so I used that. Then I extracted the control files from the docspace*.deb packages, removed any dotnet-sdk-7.0 dependencies, repackaged the *.deb files and installed them all manually one by one. I had to manually execute various debconf-set-selections per install scripts to get this to work.

When I got to installing the master docspace package, installation failed because it was trying to login to the MySQL database using dev:dev credentials. I fixed the appropriate debconf-set-selections so that the database login succeeds as onlyoffice:onlyoffice when running dpkg --configure docspace. I had also manually created onlyoffice and docspace databases and granted all rights to user onlyoffice@localhost.

However, docspace package configuration now fails with the message ‘Table ‘docspace.webhooks’ doesn’t exist’, and it’s clear that none of the tables have been created. I studied the source code and it looks as if table creation is done programmatically rather than by executing an SQL script but it’s unclear how to trigger this.

Do you have any suggestions as to how to complete the docspace package configuration? Many thanks!

Hello @demonfiddler :wave:
Unfortunately, there are currently no official instructions for installing ONLYOFFICE DocSpace on ARM devices.

I’m afraid I won’t be able to assist you with your question.

However, installation instructions for ONLYOFFICE Docs on ARM devices are available:

Docker version
Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Edition Docker version for the 64-bit ARM architecture

Linux version
Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Edition on Debian systems for the 64-bit ARM architecture
Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Edition on CentOS or RHEL for the 64-bit ARM architecture

I will check with my colleagues regarding ONLYOFFICE DocSpace for ARM.

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Thanks for the response, @Nikolas. I’d seen the instructions for Docs CE on ARM64, but Docs on its own does not seems to provide a usable document sharing platform. It looked to me like it just provided a couple of examples, with no real document management, ATH/ATZ, etc. Given that DocSpace itself does actually have an ARM64 Debian package, if your colleague can provide any pointers as to how to get it working, I would be hugely grateful. Thanks.

Hey, @demonfiddler

We are working on compiling the ARM version, unfortunately, there is no information on the timeline.
Research is being conducted regarding the performance of such a solution.
DocSpace is still a quite resource-intensive application.

Hey, @Nikolas, thank you for the update; I shall ‘watch this space’ for further developments. In the meantime, if your colleague has any hints as to how to trigger table creation, that might help me to move forwards. Thanks!

Firstly, thank you for your praise and detailed description of your experience with installing DocSpace.

DocSpace, like many other modern software applications, is resource-intensive and requires a certain amount of memory and processing power for proper functioning. Your efforts to install it on a RaspberryPi 5 with Raspberry Pi OS (Debian 12) are intriguing and serve as a valuable experiment to explore the capabilities of such a solution.

However, installing and configuring software on a non-standard hardware platform can be a challenging task, especially without official support for that configuration.

At this point, it is recommended to await official installation instructions for DocSpace on ARM devices, such as RaspberryPi, from the developers. This will help avoid potential issues and ensure a smoother installation and setup of the application.

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