DocSpace not installed in docker


I am trying to install DocSpace on Ubuntu Server 22.04 via Docker. Docker version 25.0.4, build 1a576c5

The result is as follows:

tom@tom:~$ sudo bash docker
ping: usage error: Destination address required
Downloading configuration files to the /app/onlyoffice directory...OK
stat /app/onlyoffice/db.yml: no such file or directory
stat /app/onlyoffice/ds.yml: no such file or directory
stat /app/onlyoffice/rabbitmq.yml: no such file or directory
stat /app/onlyoffice/redis.yml: no such file or directory
stat /app/onlyoffice/elasticsearch.yml: no such file or directory
stat /app/onlyoffice/migration-runner.yml: no such file or directory
stat /app/onlyoffice/docspace.yml: no such file or directory
stat /app/onlyoffice/proxy.yml: no such file or directory
stat /app/onlyoffice/notify.yml: no such file or directory
stat /app/onlyoffice/healthchecks.yml: no such file or directory

Thank you for installing ONLYOFFICE DocSpace.
In case you have any questions contact us via or visit our forum at

Any ideas how to fix this? Try earlier versions of Ubuntu?

Yes, using an earlier version of the server helped. On Ubuntu Server 20.04.6 it started without problems.

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Hello @ivaf

We are glad to know that you have managed the problem by yourself. Good job!