DocSpace Docker SSL + ADFS & Tutti Quanti

I test Local install for Docspace.
→ On linux (Rockylinux or Debian), I always have an error that does not allow me to complete the procedure. For Exemple on a fresh debian 12, the configuration of elasticsearch causes an error and i can’t finish the docspace.deb is in an wrong installation.

Docker SSL :
In Docker, It’s OK but i can’t directly configure SSL . So I 've installed nginx as reverse proxy which redirect all request myip:443 → myip:80. but it 's not really safe (i must block external request to 80 , …)
Have you a method to switch Docspace on SSL ?

In // i 've try to configure SSO with ADFS. I found this : Configuring ONLYOFFICE SP and AD FS IdP - ONLYOFFICE . It’s for workspace but i think it’s a bit same.
→ But the url auth redirect send by Docspace is only “https://myadfs/adfs/ls” not something like “https://myadfs/adfs/l/wia?SAMLRequest=…”
I use ADFS on windows server 2016 and i ve already some web appli well configured over SAML Auth.
Have you a update documentation to plug Docspace to ADFS ?

Hello @NetCHP

Have you a method to switch Docspace on SSL ?

We’re working on it right now. Unfortunately, there’re no ready-to-go guides to do it at the moment. However, your workaround solution with Nginx looks smooth. I will come back to you when we have something to share regarding this case.

As for two other cases, we need additional details. About package installation, please reproduce the situation with ElasticSearch error and make screenshots. Also let us know the exact version of Rocky OS as well.

As for SSO, I believe you have to start with certificates checks since ADFS is sensitive to certificate chain, probably you can use this website to check it out: SSL Checker