Docs Server Performance setting

We using Docs Sever.
Then We want to configure our system.

Currently, you need to configure a system for 10,000 people and prove that there are performance problems when 10,000 people connect simultaneously.

How can we verify this, and we need guidance on environmental values ​​that may affect memory or CPU when 10000 is connected.

This is a file I can set up.

Are there any other configuration files that affect performance?
Is there a way to know how well the currently installed service can guarantee performance?

OnlyOffice doesn’t seem to have a guide for this type of support.

Hi @freeit :wave:

The default settings should provide optimal performance in most cases.
First and foremost, it’s important to pay attention to your hardware configuration (CPU/SSD/RAM) and the type of deployment.

Additionally, I suggest you take a look at our White papers and datasheets page, where you can find:

  • ONLYOFFICE Docs stress test report (ONLYOFFICE Document Server stresstest:10,000 simultaneous connections)
  • ONLYOFFICE Docs load test report

These resources might provide valuable insights into performance testing.

As for the performance in general, Docs keeps 10’000 connections without issues. However, your final goal is unclear. Are you trying to reproduce some issue?

Anyway, I have noticed that you posted the same request to the Zendesk. Please do not post the same request to different communication channels. If you still have any questions, continue communication in Zendesk, where you have already started communicating.