Docs server does not enable home license.dat, mobile version not allowed

OnlyOffice Docs Version:
NextCloud Hub 8 (29.0.0)
Linux Server: Ubuntu 22.04
Installed OnlyOffice using apt mentioned in the following guide:
Guide for Ubuntu installation

I’m running a NextCloud and an OnlyOffice Docs server in separate VMs on a Proxmox server.
A third server is providing reverse proxy services using Apache.

The configuration is running, I can open docx and xlsx files in my browser.

The servers are covered by Let’s Encrypt certs and NextCloud confirmed correct keys and certs between itself and the OnlyOffice server.

At first i thought the community edition will be sufficient for my private use, but I really would like to edit files from my android phone so I bought a home license.
I copied the license.lic file to /var/www/onlyoffice/Data

I can’t see if the license is active but it does not seem so as my android still tells me that I’m not allowed to edit files.

How can I activate the license or verify the file was read and accepted?

Both installations (nextcloud, onlyoffice) check out as healthy if I do the tests.

There are things I’ll have to check and correct, as I get some errors about the webserver, but I don’t think this interferes with the license. (see below)
I will fix those errors eventually, but the day only has 24h :slight_smile:

Any ideas?

Error Messages from settings/admin/overview

  • Your web server is not yet properly set up to allow file synchronization, because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken. To allow this check to run you have to make sure that your webserver can connect to itself. Therefor it must be able to resolve and connect to at least one its trusted_domains or the overwrite.cli.url.
  • Your webserver is not set up to serve files. Without these files, JavaScript Source Maps won’t function properly, making it more challenging to troubleshoot and debug any issues that may arise.

  • Could not check for JavaScript support via any of your trusted_domains nor overwrite.cli.url. This may be the result of a server-side DNS mismatch or outbound firewall rule. Please check manually if your webserver serves .mjs files using the JavaScript MIME type. To allow this check to run you have to make sure that your webserver can connect to itself. Therefor it must be able to resolve and connect to at least one its trusted_domains or the overwrite.cli.url.

  • Your web server is not properly set up to resolve “/ocm-provider/”, “/ocs-provider/”. This is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in “.htaccess” for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx. On Nginx those are typically the lines starting with “location ~” that need an update. For more details see the [documentation :arrow_upper_right:] <only 2 links allowed for first post? WHISKEY-TANGO-FOXTROT>.

  • Your web server is not properly set up to resolve .well-known URLs, failed on: /.well-known/webfinger For more details see the [documentation :arrow_upper_right:] <only 2 links allowed for first post? WHISKEY-TANGO-FOXTROT>.

  • 127 errors in the logs since May 10, 2024, 8:00:17 PM

  • Some headers are not set correctly on your instance - The X-Robots-Tag HTTP header is not set to noindex,nofollow. This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly. - The X-Frame-Options HTTP header is not set to sameorigin. This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly. - The X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies HTTP header is not set to none. This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly. - The X-XSS-Protection HTTP header does not contain 1; mode=block. This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly. - The Referrer-Policy HTTP header is not set to no-referrer, no-referrer-when-downgrade, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin or same-origin. This can leak referer information. See the [W3C Recommendation] <only 2 links allowed for first post? WHISKEY-TANGO-FOXTROT>.

  • Could not check for WOFF2 loading support. Please check manually if your webserver serves .woff2 files. To allow this check to run you have to make sure that your webserver can connect to itself. Therefor it must be able to resolve and connect to at least one its trusted_domains or the overwrite.cli.url. For more details see the [documentation :arrow_upper_right:] <only 2 links allowed for first post? WHISKEY-TANGO-FOXTROT>.

  • The database is used for transactional file locking. To enhance performance, please configure memcache, if available. For more details see the [documentation :arrow_upper_right:] <only 2 links allowed for first post? WHISKEY-TANGO-FOXTROT>.

  • The PHP module “imagick” in this instance has no SVG support. For better compatibility it is recommended to install it. For more details see the [documentation :arrow_upper_right:] <only 2 links allowed for first post? WHISKEY-TANGO-FOXTROT>.

Hi @ovski,
The guide you linked offers to install the Community Edition version of Docs. It does not have mobile editing and cannot read license files. If you have a license, you need to remove the CE and install Enterprise Edition following the guide:

After that you also need to clear the cache of the mobile app you are using to access Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE Editors.

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One more thing: before removing the CE package, execute
This script is used to correctly shut down Docs in order to not lose any data.

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Hi Carl

Thank you for the provided information.
I was not able to find those requirements when I was searching for the “home” edition.

Your link does not mention how to correctly remove the current edition, but I guess I can just purge it and run the new installation using APT?

sudo apt-get purge onlyoffice-documentserver
sudo apt-get install onlyoffice-documentserver-ee

I read a lot about problems with already running configurations. Would it make more sense to start from scratch?

The command sequence is correct. But if you have a snapshot of the server in its clean state, then yes, it is better to start from scratch.

Thanks a lot @Carl!
I was able to switch to the enterprise edition.
Seems like the redis server gets removed while purging, so I had to add it to the script.
I don’t know why but reinstalling it did the trick.

For others that might find this thread, here are my complete steps:

sudo apt-get purge onlyoffice-documentserver
sudo apt-get install redis-server
sudo apt-get install onlyoffice-documentserver-ee


  • You can keep your database, no need to uninstall it, otherwise you’d have to add the postgre install steps to the script
  • as mentioned by @Carl, you HAVE to clear your nextcloud client cache on your mobile. If you don’t know how you probably also could reinstall the app. If you don’t you’ll still get the “Community Edition” error message.
  • don’t forget to copy your license.lic file to /var/www/onlyoffce/Data